Series ON DEATH, DYING, AND THE FUTURE HOPE with Pastor Kurt Piesslinger, M.A.
It has taken place. What are the effects of this rebellion on our planet?
Memory Text: Isaiah 14:12 – How you have fallen from heaven, you star of the morning, son of the dawn! You have been cut down to the earth, you who defeated the nations!
1.1 Creation, an expression of love
Without creation no existence. What a present for me to be created!
1.2 Free will, the basic for love
Coercion is the opposite of love. Our creator will never force you but loves you.
1.3 Mysterious ingratitude
Satan had a lot of reasons for being thankful to God. But he chose to go into the opposite direction.
1.4 The price of pride
Pride is at the beginning of ruin. It was – it is – it will be.
1.5 The spread of unbelief
The great controversy between Christ and Satan was shifted from heaven towards earth.
1.6 Summary
In the Bible we are informed about the cause of pain and bitterness on this planet.
My God bless you today and always.
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