Series GENESIS – THE BOOK OF THE BEGINNING with Pastor Kurt Piesslinger, M.A.
Joseph is a fascinating person of the Bible.
Memory Text: Genesis 37:19 – Then they said to one another, ‘Look, this dreamer is coming!’.
11.0 Introduction
Joseph is a very gifted and lovable person.
11.1 Family Troubles
When one of the sons is extremely gifted, it creates envy among the brothers.
11.2 The Attack on Joseph
If Jacob had known what would be done to Joseph he would have never ever sent his beloved son away.
11.3 Judah and Tamar
God can turn bad beginnings in good ends.
11.4 Joseph, a Slave in Egypt
The change from a beloved son to becoming a slave.
11.5 The Dreams of Pharaoh
God intervenes in the very right moment.
11.6 Summary
Joseph`s life shows how trusting in God is more valuable than anything else.
My God bless you today and always.
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