As I turned the page to look at the Sabbath afternoon lesson study, looking at the new title, the first hymn that sprang to mind was
Hymn 214, “We Have This Hope”. The memory verse is in
Hymn 375, “Work, for the Night Is Coming”.
Sunday’s title of “How Long, O Lord?” is sung in
Hymn 207, “It May Be at Morn”.
On reading Matthew chapters 24 and 25 we know that
“Jesus Is Coming Again”, Hymn 213, but,
“We Know Not the Hour”, Hymn 604 with inspiration given to
“Hold Fast Till I Come”, Hymn 600.
Monday gives us a certain hope in:
Hymn 5, “All My Hope on God Is Founded”,
Hymn 174, “Star of Our Hope”,
Hymn 214, “We Have This Hope”,
Hymn 440, “How Cheering Is the Christian’s Hope”, and
Hymn 522, “My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less”.
“Hail the Day That Sees Him Rise”, Hymn 176 sings of the Resurrection Hope that we have as Seventh-day Adventists as does
Hymn 166, “Christ the Lord Is Risen Today”.
As we begin thinking of the Judgment Hope,
Hymn 416, “The Judgement Has Set”, asks questions for Wednesday’s study.
Hymn 418, “Day of Judgment, Day of Wonders!” ends with ‘You forever shall My love and glory know’. What a glorious promise!
“Gleams of the Golden Morning”, Hymn 205, sees all our tears wiped away (Thursday). Grief and pain are banished in
Hymn 206, “Face to Face”. Thursday finishes with the words ‘until then………….’ and we may finish our singing today with
Hymn 632, “Until Then”.
2 Timothy 2:15 KJV – “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”