We are reminded on Sabbath afternoon that the horrors of this world for the poor, homeless, oppressed, slaves, the exploited, the selfish, greedy and violent will come to an end abruptly as
“Jesus Is Coming Again”, Hymn 213. Other hymns of this flavour are
Hymn 212, “’Tis Almost Time for the Lord to Come”,
Hymn 215, “The King Shall Come”,
Hymn 208, “There’ll Be No Dark Valley” and
Hymn 216, “When the Roll Is Called Up Yonder”, to name just a few. We are then encouraged to stand up again these evils and sing
“Stand Up! Stand Up for Jesus” Hymn 618.
In reading Matthew 6:25-33 on Sunday we find that
Hymn 467, “Life Is Great! So Sing About It” has verse one singing parts of the scripture. This is followed by verse two of
Hymn 577, “In The Heart of Jesus”, then verse two of
Hymn 55, “Jesus, Tender Shepherd, Hear Me” and closing with verse one of
Hymn 224, “Seek Ye First the Kingdom”.
On Monday there are hymns about our compassionate Jesus to sing:
Hymn 70, “Praise Ye the Father”,
Hymn 100, “Great Is Thy Faithfulness”,
Hymn 191, “Love Divine”,
Hymn 485, “I Must Tell Jesus”, to name a few.
On the topic of prayer, there are many hymns. Here is a sample:
Hymn 478, “Sweet Hour of Prayer”,
Hymn 501, “Tis the Blessed Hour of Prayer”,
Hymn 505, “I Need the Prayers”,
Hymn 658, Heavenly Father, Hear Our Prayer” and
Hymn 684, “Hear Our Prayer, O Lord”.
God is the most cheerful giver on Tuesday in
Hymn 12, “Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee”.
To be peacemakers we are first to have our own peace in
Hymn 463, “Peace, Perfect Peace” along with
Hymn 466, “Wonderful Peace”.
Ecclesiastes 3:7 “a time to be silent and a time to speak” will give us two hymns:
Hymn 479, “Tread Softly” and
Hymn 434, “We Speak of the Realms”. May we speak up for those who need our help.
2 Timothy 2:15 KJV – “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”
Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/SabbathSchoolNet/~3/GNxI7ocGDT8/