1. Arrived and weeping. His wishes have been fulfilled, and the temple rebuilt. Why is Nehemiah so filled with distress that he weeps in mourning for several days? What is the bad news? From the perspective of their neighbors, what has to happen to God’s people? Is their wish fulfilled?
2. Nehemiah receives bad news. Hanani, probably one of Nehemiah’s blood brothers, has a sour message for Nehemiah. What is that grim message? Wasn’t the temple rebuilt by
now? What stopped all planning and rehearsal for a holy service in that house of God? How did Nehemiah respond to this disappointing turn of events? Put yourself in his sandals. What would you do or say at this time? Is there a lesson for us in this disappointing turn of events?
3. Nehemiah’s prayer. What do you think was so beautiful and filled with gratitude in Nehemiah’s prayer? Why did Nehemiah feel obliged to rehearse the greatness and the mercy of God at this time? Nehemiah says to God, “Remember…” and follows with two key promises of God. Does God need to be reminded of His promises? Are they important enough to justify a special prayer of remembrance by us when we pray?
4. Nehemiah speaks out. The king’s cupbearer, Nehemiah had an important role to play. How could carrying a cup for the king be important in the kingdom? Once fulfilled, his task of carrying the king’s cup ended Nehemiah’s role at that time. Where did he go and what did he do? Was it`God’s will for Nehemiah to take important leadership responsibility in the territory of Judah at this time? Why?
5. Winning confidence. How did the king show his confidence in Nehemiah in letters he sent to key officials in the region beyond the River? How else did he show his longing to have the temple built in an honorable way? What is Nehemiah’s responsibility now? Not everything is positive for Nehemiah once he arrives. Paint a verbal picture of the hostility Nehemiah faces when he comes into the city of Jerusalem. Sanballat and other heathen leaders work with all their might to stop Nehemiah in his work of rebuilding. Do they succeed? Why or why not?
6. Now what? Our lesson closes with three Leadership Lessons you and I can take home with us and make them part of our study of God’s will.
Lesson 1: Nehemiah does not tell anyone, including the Jewish leaders ________________________________because he is on a scouting mission to figure out what needs to be done. Lesson 2: Before presenting anything, Nehemiah ________________________ _________________ ___________.
Lesson 3: When he does speak of the task, Nehemiah first outlines what God has done so far to lead this expedition, and then he ______________________, encouraging before asking for commitment. What is the result in the response of Jewish leaders?
Lesson 1: Nehemiah does not tell anyone, including the Jewish leaders ________________________________because he is on a scouting mission to figure out what needs to be done. Lesson 2: Before presenting anything, Nehemiah ________________________ _________________ ___________.
Lesson 3: When he does speak of the task, Nehemiah first outlines what God has done so far to lead this expedition, and then he ______________________, encouraging before asking for commitment. What is the result in the response of Jewish leaders?
Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/SabbathSchoolNet/~3/Ykt8LXdmohc/