Key Thought : The time of Christ’s coming, His anointing by the Holy Spirit, His death, and the giving of the gospel is definitely pointed out in Ezra’s timeline related to Daniel chapter 9.
October 19, 2019
1. Have a volunteer read Daniel 9:24-27
- Ask class members to share a thought on what the most important point in this text is.
- How did Jesus cause the sacrifices and oblations to cease? Was He “cut off, but not for Himself”?
- Personal Application: How important is it for you to understand this 70 week prophecy?
Share your thoughts.
- Case Study: One of your relatives states: “How do we know the starting point of the 62 weeks and 7 weeks (or 483 years) until the Messiah was to come?” How would you respond to your relative?
(Note: Ezra 7:7-13 gives us the date – the seventh month of the seventh year of Artaxerxes – 457BC. 483 years from that date gives us 27AD. Luke 3:1 tells us Jesus was baptized by John and anointed by the Holy Spirit in the 15th year of Tiberius Caesar – 27AD.)
2. Have a volunteer read Daniel 8:14, 26,27 .
- Ask class members to share a short thought on what the most important point is in this passage.
- What does it mean to “cleanse the sanctuary”?
- Personal Application: How do you feel about living in the time of the judgment? Share your thoughts.
- Case Study: One of your friends states, “How do you know the 2300 year prophecy had the same starting date as Daniel 9:24-27?” How would you respond to your friend?
(Note: Daniel’s 70 week prophecy was “determined” – chathak – cut off, amputated from the prophecy already given in Daniel 8. Daniel is told in Chapter 9 to “consider the vision”, the vision was in chapter 8.)
3. Have a volunteer read Romans 8:28,29
- Ask class members to share a short thought on what the main idea of this text is.
- What did God choose for us? What did He call us for?
- Personal Application: Why should it be encouraging to know that you were predestined for salvation? Share your thoughts.
- Case Study: One of your neighbors states, “If we are predestined for salvation, then it doesn’t matter what we do, or how we live our lives. God’s going to save us anyway. Predestination means we don’t have any choice in the matter.” How would you respond to your neighbor?
4. Have a volunteer read Exodus 4:10-12.
- Ask class members to share a short thought on what the main idea of this text is.
- What makes the job of a called leader difficult?
- Personal Application: Do we make excuses for not doing things we know God has called us to do? Share your thoughts.
- Case Study: Think of one person who needs to hear a message from this week’s lesson. Tell the class what you plan to do this week to share with them.
(Truth that is not lived, that is not imparted, loses its life-giving power, its healing virtue. Its blessings can be retained only as it is shared.”Ministry of Healing, p. 148).