The covenant, in the Memory Text, was sealed by the leaders, Levites and the priests, just as much as God sealed the covenant with Abram in
Hymn 264, “O for That Flame of Living Fire”.
The Children of Israel had their special way of putting their covenant in place with God.
Hymn 347, “Built on the Rock” and
Hymn 522, “My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less” show us the way we are able to do this today. God promised to be faithful to the covenant, even when people were not:
Hymn 100, “Great Is Thy Faithfulness”. Let us all remain faithful to our God,
Hymn 602, “O Brother, Be Faithful”.
God has made a pledge with His people (Wednesday):
Hymn 532, “Day by Day” and Hymn 635, “Lord of All Good”.
The hymn representing The Temple (Thursday’s study) is one that can be used to draw us into our prayer time:
Hymn 692, “The Lord Is in His Holy Temple” or the alternate melody in
Hymn 687.
We are led finally to the plan for salvation at the end of the Thursday’s study:
Hymn 339, “God Is My Strong Salvation” and
Hymn 646, “To the Name That Brings Salvation”.
2 Timothy 2:15 KJV – “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”