This week in ANN First in the news, the Adventist church leaders of the different Conferences under the North America Division issued a joint statement of sympathy and consolation to the family and friends of the victims of the mass shooting in Buffalo, New York. The statement also condemns such mindless and premeditated act of hatred and violence and encourages people to use their voices and platforms to denounce hatred in all of its forms. Online evangelistic campaign over Central America and the Caribbean resulted to great harvest. The series has had more than 5.2 million views on YouTube and Facebook. The 71 Adventist radio stations also broadcast the evangelistic series and reached more than 219 thousand people. As the 'Hope for a Sick World' evangelistic campaign came to an end, more than 6 thousand and 7 hundred people were baptized. Adventist Church in Iloilo, Philippines introduces healthy lifestyle through its newly opened restaurant. Piato Verde is a one-stop-rest shop situated in the heart of Iloilo, a highly urbanized city in the center of the island country. This Adventist restaurant aims to further expand its influence on the community. With the theme “Celebrating God’s Providence and Affirming our Values”, the Inter-America Division leaders and members celebrated the 100 yearsof church organization in their territory. The celebration held in Miami, Florida, was attended by the General Conference’s highest administrators. The intriguing question "Who is behind Intelligent Design?" brought the Adventist community from different parts of the Cyprus Region to Nicosia, the capital of Cyprus. Senior scientist at the Geoscience Research Institute, Timothy Standish, shared impressive scientific findings affirming the complexity and precision of design in nature. Through a sequence of captivating lectures, he attested to the existence of our intentional Creator. Sabbath School Members Partner with Community Center to Feed the Homeless in St. Croix. For seven months, Sabbath school members from the St. Peter's Rest Seventh-day Adventist Church in St. Croix, US Virgin Islands, in the Caribbean, have been assisting the homeless in the town of Christiansted. Source: