How can we show mercy to others and do what is right? This has been a very challenging and difficult time with racist and prejudiced situations, COVID-19 suffering all across this globe, economic upheaval, unemployment, and so many other challenges all across this planet. Through all of this, God calls us to be his hands and his feet to bring healing and hope to those around us. We don't always do what is right. The Lord says to love mercy. God shows mercy to us. We need to show mercy to other people and to help them in their time of need and to. Be concerned about them and to help them in a very special way. We need to walk humbly with your God. This is an opportunity for us to share Christ and to serve him with humility, to show value to every human being, to show value to human dignity and to bring Christ to people being his hands and his feet, showing healing and hope. Hope is so important and it is so needed today. Source: