Here are the most recent news on ANN today: Not losing time, the Adventist Development and Relief Agency distributed food packs to the victims of the ongoing conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan. The team will continue to provide emergency relief and recovery assistance to the needy. The recent violence resulted in casualties and thousands of displaced families. News agencies even describe the adversity as the worst since 1994. ADRA-Cambodia helps flood victims
At least 39,000 households have been affected by the storms and flooding in Cambodia. ADRA-Cambodia partnered with local authorities to provide food assistance to the victims. ACS-NAD mobilizes warehouse distribution branches
To assist in disaster response, the Adventist Community Services of the North American Division organized warehouse distribution sites in the states within its territory. The activated operations aim to continue extending relief and assistance to the victims of the recent disasters in the region. Tune in to get more updates on the 2020 Annual Council and the General Conference Session and more exciting stories. Source: