Here is some good health news:
• Portugal's centralized setup network is slowing down COVID-19.
• Babcock University Teaching Hospital is maximizing its strategic location.
• Adventists in Ukraine are distributing PPE packs to the community. And you'll hear even more in this world health summit! Get to know about the two hands of COVID-19, anxiety and depression. Speaking of hands, in response to illness, Jesus stretched out His hand to someone whose case was similar to COVID-19: the leper! His disease frightened the people around him and he needed to be isolated. Does that ring a bell? In today's times, whose hand should reach out to pandemic victims? You will also be informed about the conspiracy theories buzzing around. Why do certain demographics and ethnicities suffer worse outcomes of COVID-19? And is Vitamin D a promising solution to this pandemic? Can sunlight be a useful treatment for coronavirus? What are the 4 big Ds that trigger depression? #HealthNews #HealthEducation #AdventistCOVID19GlobalSummit Source: