In her distress, Ranja agreed to the spirits' demands, hoping they would grant her another child. Nine months later, she gave birth to a daughter. Over the ensuing years, she grew into a powerful witch under the control of the spirits. She had no autonomy over her own life, only doing what the spirits instructed her to do. Through the potent medicine she concocted, many people found healing. Miracles were performed, and she became a respected member of her community. She claimed to have the power to render guns and bullets useless, a power that fortified her village's wealth as no one could steal their cows
#BroadcastToBaptism #Madagascar #Faith #SpiritualWarfare #awr #adventistworldradio About our channel
We are Adventist World Radio, dedicated to sending the gospel to every corner of the world, even in the most remote and inaccessible locations. Through radio broadcasts, Cell Phone Evangelism, Godpods, and Digital Evangelism on various social media platforms, we're striving to reach millions across the world in their native languages. Since we started broadcasting back in 1975, we've seen and heard some truly inspirational stories of people who've experienced life-changing encounters with God. Regardless of their beliefs or professions, we have seen God reach a pagan chieftain, a witch, a professional assassin, and even rebels. Witness God’s work at AWR, from broadcast to baptism. #short Source: