Charles was a trained catechist in his local Catholic church and enjoyed studying the Bible. But the more he read, the more he realized his church didn’t follow many of its teachings. In his search for truth, he joined the local Pentecostal church and thought he’d found the right path. Things were finally coming together for him, so he decided to start a taxi bicycle business and invested his savings into purchasing 76 bicycles. But soon his excitement turned to bitter disappointment when more than half of the bikes were stolen! Then, to make matters worse, a piece of land he’d purchased for farming failed when his workers became ill and the soil yielded little fruit. Charles concluded that the land “must be cursed.” Desperate for help, he went to his pastor, who suggested that to break the curse, Charles should give his entire income as an offering. Sadly, despite donating all his earnings, things only went from bad to worse, and he fell into a deep depression. But God, who sees the heart, knew all about Charles’ troubles, and He had a plan for his life. Watch this video to see what happened next and how God intervened. I love to see lives changed for God’s kingdom, and I especially love it when God uses Adventist World Radio to do it! Yours in the Blessed Hope, Duane McKey
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