These are the latest uplifting news from the ANN: In India, the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) partnered with Reckitt Benckiser (RB) to launch "The Birds and Bees Talk" (TBBT), a two-year program for children ages 10 to 19. Generally, the program aims to help young people make decisions about their health and life skills. It offers 27 innovative and engaging courses designed to address the information gap around children's reproductive and sexual health rights. The curriculum also gives a comprehensive life skills module that deals with power, protection, and pleasure. For community support, ADRA and RB, together with Royal Motors Group in Imphal, Manipur, organized a bike rally. In Montemorelos, Nuevo Leon, Mexico, a group of students and professionals from Montemorelos University continue to reach out to the most disadvantaged families in the Martinez Dominguez Community. For more than six months, the team has provided free psychological services, general medical consultations, and basic physical therapy. They also distributed food baskets and other basic necessities. The project is supported by the Adventist Health White Memorial Medical Center in Los Angeles, California, and the Health Promoting University program at Montemorelos University. In Arlington, Texas, young adults of Younger Generation Church (YG) honored all frontline workers at Texas Health Mansfield with appreciation gifts. With help from Burton Adventist Academy students, YG collected personal, heartfelt notes and letters from students, appreciating frontline workers for their efforts to keep others safe and healthy. Aside from the notes, tokens for the hospital employees also include goodies like sweets, warm drinks, and Krispy Kreme donuts. The outreach elicited warm smiles from the ecstatic and grateful workers. Meanwhile, the Seventh-day Adventist Church and Hope Channel launched the latest online Bible trivia game, Heroes II, on March 25. Eight years after Heroes' original version, Heroes 2 is the first game a Christian broadcasting network has published. One exciting feature of the innovation is that players are encouraged to start Bible studies through Hope Channel. The game is currently available in English, Spanish, French, and Portuguese, with six more languages available soon. Learn more here. Heroes 2 is also available for download on both iOS and Android mobile platforms. Watch also how young people worldwide celebrated Global Youth Day—a particular time when youth and children step out of their churches to "Be the Sermon" in their communities. Source: