There is a real work to be wrought in us. Constantly we must submit our will to God’s will, our way to God’s way. Our peculiar ideas will strive constantly for the supremacy, but we must make God all and in all. We are not free from the failings of humanity, but we must constantly strive to be free from these failings, not to be perfect in our own eyes, but perfect in every good work. We must not dwell on the dark side. Our souls must not rest in self, but in the One who is all and in all.
By beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, we are actually to be changed into the same image, from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord. We expect too little, and we receive according to our faith. We are not to cling to our own ways, our own plans, our own ideas; we are to be transformed by the renewing of our minds, that we may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. Besetting sins are to be conquered, and evil habits overcome. Wrong dispositions and feelings are to be rooted out, and holy tempers and emotions begotten in us by the Spirit of God.
This the Word of God explicitly teaches, but the Lord cannot work in us to will and to do of His good pleasure unless we crucify self, with the affections and lusts, at every step. If we try to work in our own way, we shall grievously fail…. We have a great work to do, and if we are laborers together with God, the ministering angels will cooperate with us in the work…. Then let us lay hold of this mighty power by living faith, praying and believing, trusting and working. Then God will do that which only God can do….
Self is the most difficult thing we have to manage. In laying off burdens, let us not forget to lay self at the feet of Christ. Hand yourself over to Jesus, to be molded and fashioned by Him, that you may be made vessels unto honor. Your temptations, your ideas, your feelings, must all be laid at the foot of the cross. Then the soul is ready to listen to words of divine instruction. Jesus will give you to drink of the water which flows from the river of God. Under the softening and subduing influence of His Spirit your coldness and listlessness will disappear. Christ will be in you a well of water, springing up into everlasting life….
Let the sanctifying power of truth be expressed in your life and revealed in your character. Let Christ mold you, as clay is molded in the hands of the potter.—Letter 57, July 23, 1887, to J. H. Durland and A. A. John, workers in England.
The Upward Look p. 218
Prayer Requests
—-Prayer Requests from last night’s prayer meeting: Brenda asks for prayer that Marc will grow closer to God [pray the same for her other two children]—DeeDee asks for prayer for wisdom as they decide when and how to open area schools {Also pray the same for our church school)—pray for Braydon as he continues to recover from his bicycle accident—Pray for Sarah that God will lead in her life.—Pray for protection for the area’s nursing homes—Pray for Elina and her family as they grieve the death of her daughter—pray for those seeking jobs—Pray for Joyce for healing—pray for Millie who has cancer and is going to Eden Valley—Pray for Eric who has covid and is in the military—Pray for Susan who is dealing with loss—pray for Aliona who was bitten by a brown recluse.
Dear Friends,
Yesterday, I wrote about the songbook that Aunt Allie wrote. Some years ago, I was able to find her book of poems she wrote from a used book store. I was so happy to find it. Here is one of her poems that I thought I would share with you today.
The Unfinished Picture
By Aletha Phillips-Spoor
A beautiful picture was painted
And hung upon a wall,
‘Twas the scene of a grand old forest
With stately trees and tall.
The leaves of the forest were crimson,
The sky was an amber hue;
No artist could have painted
The autumn tints more true.
An old man, gazing at the scene,
Admired the colors grand;
“In many ways,” he said, “it shows
The work of a master hand.
“But still there’s something lacking,
More beautiful ‘twould be
If within that grand old forest
Some shadows we could see.”
So with our lives, the sunshine
We could not do without,
But we really need some shadows
To bring the beauty out.
May we give thanks for all that the Master Artist paints upon the canvas of our life is my prayer. (Heb 12:5-15)