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❤️ Jump to Weekly Spirit of Prophecy Reading https://www.revivalandreformation.org/bhp/en/sop/chs/11 COMMENTARY “If God's people would show a genuine interest in their neighbors, many would be reached by the special truths for this time. Nothing will or ever can give character to the work like helping the people just where they are.” ChS 136.2 Are you meeting people where they are? Sometimes our efforts to witness are like the person who happens upon the scene of an auto accident and goes up to the bleeding victim lying on the road and says, “Would you like me to show you how you can balance your bank account?” While this is valuable information, it is not what is needed most at such a time. You may never happen upon an auto accident victim, but people around you have needs that feel just as urgent to them. These needs and worries prevent them from being interested in hearing a gospel presentation or from accepting your invitation to evangelistic meetings. They may say, “How can I think about that when I’m dealing with…,” and fill in that blank with any number of things. Jesus met people’s basic needs and then said, “Follow me.” He healed demoniacs, lepers, and the sick. He fed the hungry. It was only then that others were able to absorb the message of the gospel. So it is today. Supplying simple needs or learning how to give basic medical care is one of the easiest ways to open another one’s heart to hear the gospel. Karen D. Lifshay
Communications Secretary
Hermiston SDA Church, Oregon USA Our accounts in other social networks:
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