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Some couples use birth control to keep their family from growing. Some have even gone as far as seeking surgical sterilization in order to avoid having children. Did you know that some churches are unknowingly practicing spiritual birth control and are limiting the growth of God’s family? They are doing this by failing to focus on what God is capable of doing and by focusing on themselves Ellen White says that Christians should not “stand still in impotency, pointing to what they cannot do.” ChS 77 They have made a religion of all the things they cannot do and have forgotten that God has unlimited power to help them overcome. I don’t think this is talking about being focused on the things that scripture asks us not to do, although being focused exclusively on these things has never helped to grow the church. Rather, I think it means being focused on our inabilities, on our lack of skills, on our weaknesses and our fears. It is too easy to excuse ourselves from working for God and from spreading His message because we feel unqualified. The church becomes impotent while it waits for someone else to do the job. The solution for this is to forget about our inabilities and to place ourselves under God’s control, “knowing that His omnipotence will supply [our] need.” ChS 77 The more we allow ourselves to be led by His Spirit and dare to share His love, the more power we will have to increase God’s family. Karen D. Lifshay Communications Secretary, Hermiston SDA Church, Oregon USA Our accounts in other social networks:
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