Brethren, let every man, wherein he is called, therein abide with God. 1 Corinthians 7:24.
God’s servants are to put on every piece of the Christian armor. We are not wrestling simply with human foes. God calls upon every Christian to enter the warfare, and fight under His leadership, depending for success on the grace and help of Heaven. We are to go forward in the strength of the Mighty One. Never are we to yield to Satan’s attacks. Why should not we, as Christian warriors, stand against principalities and powers, and against the rulers of the darkness of this world? God calls upon us to press forward, using the gifts entrusted to us. Satan will place temptation before us. He will try to overcome us by stratagem. But in the strength of God we are to stand firm as a rock to principle.
In this warfare there is no release. Satan’s agents never pause in their work of destruction. Those who are in Christ’s service must watch every outpost. Our object is to save perishing souls from ruin. This is a work of infinite greatness, and man can not hope to obtain success in it, unless he unites with the divine Worker.
From eternity Christ has been man’s Redeemer. Ever since the fall there has come to those uniting with Him in His great work, the word, “Be not weary in well-doing.” …
The Christian is encouraged to show patient perseverance in carrying forward the work of the gospel ministry, in connection with the medical missionary work. As he gains an experience in genuine religion, he obtains a spiritual knowledge that makes character.
The life of a true Christian is one continuous round of service.—Testimonies for the Church 9:219, 220.
With God at Dawn p. 286
Prayer Reequests
—-Please pray for Larry who has just had a stroke. Pray for Mike and Eileen as well. Rose
—-Please be in prayer for my friend Jenny. Her parent’s are both down with the virus and are suffering some heart complications. Her dad was able to come home from hospital but must be on a heart monitor. Her mom is still in the hospital due to heart monitors and diabetes complications. They are giving her a timeframe to get better, otherwise she will be put on the ventilator. This is hard becasue Jenny can’t even help with her dad because her daughter Maya is so medically fragile and can’t risk any exposure. Jennifer
—-Please pray for David that he will be healed mental and spiritually. Buck
—-Update: BJ is doing better, and trying to build back his strength. Keep him in your prayers, because now he has to get his business back on track, while still gaining strength. Jana
—-Please pray for my sister, Karen. She was taken to the hospital with chest pain. She is having a stress test today to see if they can determine the cause. Kay