When we talk about racism, skin color often comes to mind. But there should be no color emphasis when it comes to missionary work. Still, the truth hurts that even in the mission field, there is prejudice going on. Adventist history holds many stories about discrimination. But the best thing to consider is how they dealt with it. Here's another faith-filled video podcast episode by Dr. David Trim and Dr. Dragoslava Santrac, editors of the new Adventist online encyclopedia. With them are Dr. Douglas Morgan and Dr. DeWitt Williams, ESDA contributors from the North American Division. Here's an overview of their discussion about how black missionaries battled against racism: The History of Adventist Church Segregation Back then, the 'black' and 'white' people could not worship together. Culture would not let them. Despite this separation of church fellowship, they still strived to work together. Their motivation was: Separate but integrated! Tune in to have more insights about how the Adventist African-American churches battled against prejudice. Woman Power Amid Racism The story of a courageous black woman named Eva Dykes is worth sharing, especially nowadays. She had faced discrimination, especially in her education. Despite her B.A. summa cum laude from a black school, she needed to take a second B.A. when she tried to advance her studies in a 'white' school. Undaunted and undiscouraged, she obliged. She then became the first African-American female to complete a doctorate from Radcliffe College, receiving a Ph.D. in English Philology. Read more about her commitment and sacrifice here:
https://encyclopedia.adventist.org/search-results?term=Eva+Beatrice+Dykes How a tent preacher transcended racism barriers Amid the segregated American South, the great tent preacher E.E. Cleveland would gather both black and white people to his public meetings. He didn't allow segregated seating, which would always call warnings from the police. From a Christian perspective, Cleveland dealt with race relations. His powerful sermons include "Religion and Race" and "The Negro and Bible Prophecy." For him, racism is "sin". But "brotherhood" is a vital doctrine of the Adventist church. Read more of his remarkable story here: https://encyclopedia.adventist.org/search-results?term=Edward+Earl+Cleveland. Next on Deck… Don't miss our next exciting podcast episodes. Suppose you missed the previous video podcast episodes; no need to worry! Check the playlist at https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-k2Gb-DBYo-_LOrS0obIEGcCOTQgdvGa or visit http://adventistarchives.org/ Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qjty_DEq2Wc