Ana’s heart was heavy. Her husband had left her just after the birth of their daughter, and she felt overwhelmed by the burdens of life to the point of despair. Seeing no way out and feeling abandoned and alone, depression set in, followed by the unthinkable: thoughts of suicide. But God had not forgotten Ana. He is “pitiful and of tender mercy” (James 5:11), and near to all who are hurting. In her darkest hour, God sent Ana a friend. Heidi had just begun listening to our AWR sermons on her cell phone through WhatsApp when she felt impressed to share them with Ana. That’s when things began to change. Ana’s problems didn’t disappear overnight, but she was no longer alone. God was with her, filling her heart with joy. Watch the video below to learn the rest of the story and see how God can use you and me—and Adventist World Radio—to make a difference! —Duane McKey, President MB01PQYKTA6BC1Q Source: