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Even after God turned bitter water into clean water, there was murmuring. Moses became the target of the wrath of a nation that had to experience the deprivation of basic needs in order to understand the most urgent need– to trust in God. Israel's thirst was quenched and their rebellion placated by a stricken rock. However, Israel needed to experience further setbacks in order to grow and mature as a holy nation. It was not the raising up of the hands of Moses that gave victory to the chosen people, but the faith that moved them to submit to "Thus saith the Lord." Christ is the Rock of salvation and the Water of Life! He was wounded so that we may freely receive the water that never ends (Rev.22:17). Just as Moses struck the rock in obedience to God's word, so we should build our life on the rock that is Christ (Mt 5:24).
And do not forget: building on the Rock and drinking from the Water of Life (Jesus) must be a personal experience. Rosana Garcia Barros
Housewife and mother
Maceió, Alagoas, Brazil Our accounts in other social networks:
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