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At Mt. Sinai, God expresses His divine nature through the giving of the moral law. Love is the root of His law, with love for God as the basis of love for each other. The giving of the law is as much an act of grace and mercy as the deliverance from Egyptian slavery, for here God shows His redeemed how they shall live. The placement of these “tables of the covenant” (Deut 9:9-11) under the mercy seat indicates that they are the foundation of the covenant. Covenant involves relationship and communion. Real relationship and communion cannot occur between two individuals without a set of norms which define that relationship. The first four commandments define our relationship with God while the next six define our relationship with each other. The Sabbath is defined by God as the seventh day wherein we rest with Him and renew our understanding and worship of God as Creator. The Sabbath becomes the covenant sign between God and His people forever (Ex 31:16-17). The person who in the right spirit keeps the Sabbath as defined by God signifies that he or she stands in a saved relationship with God. Michael Hasel
Southern Adventist University Our accounts in other social networks:
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