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This chapter provides an important insight into the calling of God. He says to Moses, “I have called by name Bezalel . . . and I have filled him with the Spirit of God.” You see, God does not only call people to be pastors, teachers, and evangelists. He calls all of His people to use skills and talents that He provides through the Spirit of God “to make [or do] everything that I have commanded” (vs. 6). God is looking for artists and craftsmen that will, through art and sculpture and media, communicate God’s message to the world; builders to build churches that people might learn of Him and schools that will further His work in the lives of young people; doctors, nurses and health care professionals to minister to people through healing. He is the source of the wisdom, understanding, and knowledge gained in our professions. He is also the source of the abilities to execute our work. What is God calling you to do for His kingdom, to prepare others to meet Him when He soon comes to take us home? Michael Hasel
School of Religion
Southern Adventist University Our accounts in other social networks:
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