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The golden calf could have represented any number of Egyptian deities. The Apis bull was worshiped in Memphis as Ptah, the god of life. Hathor, the cow goddess, was worshiped in Thebes as goddess of motherhood, beauty, love, and joy. In Exodus 32 the people “rose up to play” which had clear sexual overtones and might be equated with Hathor. Aaron, their spiritual leader, gave in to their requests and to justify their worship announced a “feast to the Lord.” This mixed worship led God to disown the Hebrews as He refers to them as “your people.” But as God rejects the people who chose the calf rather than Him, Moses steps in and asks that his name be blotted from the book of life. So great was Moses’ love for his people that he offered his life for theirs. But there is only one substitutionary death acceptable to God and that is the death of His Son Jesus. Have you tried in your life to compromise the world and its practices with your worship of God? Here we see the consequences of such action. God would have a people that are faithful to Him, and Him only, though the heavens fall (Education, 57). Michael Hasel
School of Religion
Southern Adventist University Our accounts in other social networks:
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