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Exodus 40 holds clues to the kind of person God can use in His work. Imagine having so close a relationship with God that He could give you such specific and detailed instructions as those recorded in this chapter. Moses carefully recorded the instructions, complete with a due date (verses 1-15), and then carried them out in every detail right on time (verses 16-34). Order and cleanliness were carefully observed by Moses and Aaron, illustrating their deep respect for the sacredness of the tabernacle and the tasks associated with it (verses 31, 32). God blessed this faithful attention to detail with a visible sign of His presence – a cloud so thick that Moses “was not able to enter the tent of the congregation.”
Moses and all the children of Israel were so focused on following God’s will that they did not move without evidence that God was leading, but as soon as the cloud lifted, signaling it was time to move, the “children of Israel went onward.” And God was with them night and day “throughout all their journeys.” May God help us be this focused and faithful. Terri Saelee
Coordinator of Adventist Refugee & Immigrant Ministries (NAD)
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