Description: Martin Perez’s story started with his young parents getting together despite their families not supporting the union. They eloped and thought that love was all they needed, but the harsh realities of life came bearing down on them quickly. As Martin was growing up, he often questioned why he was born. He had hopes that at some point his life would turn around, and he would be freed from the darkness of his troubled family. He really hoped that when he hit his teenage years, he would develop super powers, and with these powers he could stop feeling so helpless and do something to fix his life, but those years came and went and… nothing… no powers, just more troubles. Stuck in a dysfunctional family, he began to wrestle with low self-esteem and self-worth, depression and loneliness, and the anger and resentment towards his dad grew. Martin openly shares how Jesus showed up in his life – through the ups and downs – leading step by step to redemption. Source: