Friday Further Thought:
Ellen G. White, “In the Court of Babylon”, pages 479-490, in Prophets and Kings; “Words of Caution”, pages 324, 329; “No Respect of Persons With God”, pages 330, 331, in Gospel Workers; “Rejoicing in the Lord”, pages 115-126, in Steps to Christ.No respect of persons with God. “The religion of Christ uplifts the receiver to a higher plane of thought and action, while at the same time it presents the whole human race as alike the objects of the love of God, being purchased by the sacrifice of His Son.
At the feet of Jesus, the rich and the poor, the learned and the ignorant, meet together, with no thought of caste or worldly preeminence. All earthly distinctions are forgotten as we look upon Him whom our sins have pierced. The self-denial, the condescension, the infinite compassion of Him who was highly exalted in heaven, puts to shame human pride, self-esteem, and social caste. Pure, undefiled religion manifests its heaven-born principles in bringing into oneness all who are sanctified through the truth. All meet as blood-bought souls, alike dependent upon Him who has redeemed them to God”. – Ellen G. White, Gospel Workers, p. 330.
Discussion Questions:
