"The new year stands before us, like a chapter in a book, waiting to be written. We can help write that story by setting goals." -Melody Beattie It's been two weeks since we started 2021, and our goals are being affected. Many significant things have happened recently. Here are updates from the Adventist community: Seventh-day Adventist Church ExCom Votes to Delay GC Session A Second Time Given the rising challenges from the COVID-19 crisis, the global Seventh-day Adventist Church Executive Committee members have voted to postpone the denomination's quinquennial session in a virtual meeting last January 12. This recommendation came from a consensus approach from world division officers, health professionals, Adventist Risk Management, the Office of General Counsel, and other Adventist Church leaders. The motion passed with a vote of 185-9. NAD Leadership Reacts to the Alarming U.S. Capitol Events In response to the violent protest in Washington D.C. recently, the North American Division leadership issued a hope-filled and comforting statement for deeply concerned people. The Church leadership affirms the people's right to protest respectfully. But it strongly condemns reprehensible actions that show a clear disrespect for the safety of others, the democracy institution, and the government transition's diplomatic and orderly process. NAD leadership also calls for prayerful reflection on Philippians 4:7 and united prayer for our communities and leaders, and that God's Spirit will prevail. Revival for a Mission to Interview IAD President and His Daughter About Kidnap Ordeal Tune in for another special episode of Revival for a Mission with Pastor Ted Wilson and Pastor Sam Neves. With them are President of the Adventist Church in Inter-America, Elie Henry, and his daughter Irma, who were kidnapped during their holidays in Haiti. They will be sharing how God has delivered them from their ordeal. Watch this exclusive interview on Hope Channel this Friday at 8:30 p.m. (US Eastern Time) or at https://www.hopetv.org/revivalformission/. ADRA Reaches Out to Earthquake-stricken Croatia A strong earthquake blasted central Croatia last December 28-29, leaving seven casualties, 26 injured, and more than 60,000 affected people. The Adventist Development and Relief Agency immediately dispatched relief services after assessing the needs. Besides essential commodities, ADRA prepares to expand a call center to help the affected population receive government assistance. If you are interested in helping, please visit ADRA | Adventist Development and Relief Agency International. In the other news… Get to know more about Heroes II, a game that gives a biblical perspective. Watch and be blessed by Adventist history features and mission stories only here at ANN News (adventist.news). Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJn5oSZW8hk