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Commentary by Kathlyn Mayer:
"It’s easy for us, the readers, to inwardly chastise Sarai and Abram for being impatient. After all, we know that in five chapters Isaac will be born and then the couple gets their long awaited happy ending. However when it comes to our own lives, we often struggle with the same basic challenge of the Christian walk—waiting. Waiting to see God’s promises come to fruition can feel like one of the hardest periods in our life. From our viewpoint the wait appears long, and we justify fulfilling the promise in our own way. We think maybe God wants us to do something to make things happen. When we don’t trust God’s timing, we hurt ourselves and we inevitably also affect the lives of those around us. Yet we serve a God who doesn’t abandon us to our hasty choices.
God didn’t sugarcoat to Hagar what Ishmael’s future relationships were going to become as a result of his parents’ decisions and his own. At the same time God chose to bless the child, as Abram’s son, with many descendants. God hears our cries of misery, whether they are of our own or others’ making. He doesn’t turn a deaf ear." โค๏ธ Jump to Daily Bible Reading https://www.revivalandreformation.org/bhp/en/bible/gen/16 Our accounts in other social networks:
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