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Commentary by Edwin Reynolds:
"God commissioned two witnesses to personally investigate matters in Sodom, since their judgment would be final and there should be no doubt that it was just (cf. 18:25; Deut 17:6; 19:15; 2 Cor 13:1). Sodom was condemned not only for its sexual immorality and perversion (Jude 7) but also for its arrogance, overindulgence, prosperous ease, and failure to care for the poor and needy (Ezek 16:49-50). By its failure to be hospitable to the strangers who sought refuge there and its sexual perversion manifested toward Lot’s guests, Sodom condemned itself before God’s two witnesses. Lot and his family were instructed by the two angels to flee before they would be caught up in its punishment.The reluctance with which Lot’s family responded to the command to flee shows the dangerous influence of the attractions of one’s surroundings. Are we too careless about the influences with which we surround ourselves? What will be the result? Sodom and Gomorrah became for all time the example of how God will deal with unrepentant wickedness (2 Pet 2:6), and the tragedy of Lot and his family provide a lesson in the hazards of permitting ourselves to be corrupted by the attractions and ways of the world (cf. 1 John 2:15-17)." ❤️ Jump to Daily Bible Reading https://www.revivalandreformation.org/bhp/en/bible/gen/20Our accounts in other social networks:
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#Genesis #DailyBibleReadingGuide #BelieveHisProphets Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v38A7BgP0cc