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Commentary by Edwin Reynolds:
"Could it be that the battle you are fighting will lead to a blessing? It might not feel like it right now. It certainly didn’t to Jacob on that dark, lonely night. Beset by fear and distress over looming threats from Esau’s army, Jacob was all alone by the river Jabbok. Note to the wise . . . God tends to show up when we are most alone. Suddenly, Jacob began to wrestle with a “man.” Eventually, Jacob figured out that his opponent was heaven-sent. Refusing to give up, he said, “I won’t let you go.” He knew that a blessing would come from the wrestling.
And it did. . .Jacob had struggled with both God and people, but he overcame. What you are wrestling with God over? What battles are you facing with people? Wrestling matches with God and others often leaves emotional and spiritual limps. You may be scarred from battles you have fought. Your current battle may seem lost. Just don’t let go of Christ. Cling to Him until the blessings flow. Remember this: Out of suffering come the strongest souls. God’s wounded often make His best soldiers.
Our greatest blessings come from our deepest struggles.”
Abraham knew about God's mercy and justice. Do we understand it?" β€οΈ Jump to Daily Bible Reading https://www.revivalandreformation.org/bhp/en/bible/gen/32 Our accounts in other social networks:
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