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Commentary by Edwin Reynolds:
"This chapter is on the family history of Judah, a tribe that gave rise to Jesus. And that is why we have so much of the family history! The Messiah did not come from a lineage of holy or honored people. Rather, Judah and his sons acted in ways that displeased God. The human ancestors of Jesus were sinners. Judah even chose a heathen wife contrary to God’s will. (Gen 38:1,2). And this lady may have been the leading bad influence on his children. Judah looks evil in this chapter, deceiving Tamar and being deceived by her posing as a harlot. If he had chosen an obedient life, how much simpler it would have been with blessings instead of curses. Judah eventually confessed that Tamar "hath been more righteous than I” (Gen. 38:26). Sometimes we tend to judge people quickly without realizing that we are perhaps just as sinful or even more so than they. The Bible does not hide the fact that Jesus came from a human lineage so dirty as this. But despite his inherited weaknesses, He trusted in His Father, and never once sinned.
Jesus is our perfect example. Judah, leaning on himself, most assuredly is not." β€οΈ Jump to Daily Bible Reading https://www.revivalandreformation.org/bhp/en/bible/gen/38 Our accounts in other social networks:
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