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Commentary by Edwin Reynolds:
"Joseph's response to Ms. Potiphar seems to be the apex of a theology of sexuality in the Pentateuch, and perhaps all of scripture. We read in vs 8 that Ms. Potiphar propositioned him "day after day" (vs 10), perhaps one of the first recorded cases of sexual harassment in history. In verse 9, Joseph reasons that Potiphar and he are equal in the household, except for ONE thing: Potiphar sleeps with Ms. Potiphar and Joseph does not. That one thing set Potiphar apart from Joseph. Joseph recognized this element as God's true ideal for sexual expression. Pleasure and babies are not the primary purpose for sexual expression. They are delightful bonuses. The purpose of sexual expression is to foster and maintain a sense of uniqueness between husband and wife. To yield to Ms. Potiphar's advances would not only violate her husband's trust in Joseph (and in her !) but would subvert the God-ordained uniqueness between husband and wife. Joseph thus proves morally superior to Judah when faced with the same temptation to sexual indulgence outside of marriage." ❤️ Jump to Daily Bible Reading https://www.revivalandreformation.org/bhp/en/bible/gen/39 Our accounts in other social networks:
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