In Job 6:4–8 and 9:1–12, we discern Job’s struggle with this agonizing question. He does not question the existence of God but rather the reason for his own suffering. This question becomes particularly complex when considering that Job believes in a loving God. In contrast, an atheist in a godless world might perceive suffering as senseless, a consequence of harsh and cold natural forces without a higher purpose.
Job, however, is confronted with a profound dilemma. Job 10:8–12 reflects his agonizing thoughts. He poses the painful question that many of us have asked: Why do people suffer if there is a good and loving God? Why do even those considered “good,” like Job, experience seemingly senseless suffering and trials?
The dilemma lies in the fact that Job and we, as believers, don’t have the option to dismiss suffering as a random consequence of a godless universe. Our conviction in a loving God who created everything puts us in an inner conflict. Wrestling with this question is one of the existential challenges of our faith.
Read Job 38:1–3: How did God respond to Job’s questions and doubts?
God answers Job from the storm and poses questions that challenge Job’s human understanding. This encounter reveals that there are often things beyond our comprehension. Even though we don’t have a complete answer to why there is suffering, we can trust that God is greater than our questions and that His love and wisdom can shine amid the dilemma.
Let us pray together in this assurance and ask God for wisdom as we grapple with the questions of suffering and faith in a loving God.