Today, we want to collectively turn our attention to the fascinating theme: “God in Nature.” This perspective on creation opens a deeper view of God’s existence and His workings in our world.
In Romans 1:18–20, the Apostle Paul speaks of God’s revelation through the created world. He emphasizes that the reality and existence of God are clearly revealed through the “made” world, leaving humanity “without excuse” for unbelief. Nature itself is a living testimony to the existence and nature of God. In the details of creation, we can recognize His power, wisdom, and goodness.
The irony Paul addresses is present in our modern times as well. Science has granted us deeper insights into the wonders of creation, and as life appears more complex, chance or probability becomes less plausible as the cause for this complexity. An iPhone, obviously designed, is recognized as a product of design. But humans, equally obviously designed, with internal and external design, are supposed to have randomly emerged? These thoughts can mislead many.
In Job 12:7–10, we see how Job views nature as a reflection of God’s reality. Even though nature, especially in its fallen state, does not reveal the entire character of God, it still shows His creative power and aspects of His goodness.
Which aspects of nature particularly show you the power and goodness of God? Perhaps the majestic mountains, the rushing waterfalls, or the delicate blossoms in spring. Each of us has our own experiences in nature that reflect God’s greatness and love.
In these moments of contemplation, we can draw strength and encouragement. Nature reminds us that the Creator of this world also holds our lives in His hands. May our hearts flourish in gratitude and admiration as we contemplate the wonders of nature, inspiring us to recognize the beauty and greatness of God in each day.
Let us pray together and thank God for His glorious creation.