Chapter 5 – Staying Healthy in a Sick World Sickness not only is debilitating to the body but also plays havoc with our minds. When we are sick, it is much easier to become discouraged or even depressed. Have you ever been sick for a week? How do you feel at the end of the week? What about two weeks? During the COVID-19 pandemic those infected with the disease reported overwhelming physical symptoms, including a raging fever followed by the chills, intense muscle pain, a persistent cough, shortness of breath, a sore throat, violent headaches, and fatigue. One victim said, “I felt like I was drowning,” and another added, “Nights were horrible. My temperature would rise. My body would burn with fever, and then suddenly I would shake with the chills. But worst of all, I felt so alone in isolation.” One of the great consequences of this pandemic was that the virus was so contagious that individuals often had to suffer through their illness alone. Their loved ones had a very difficult time giving them the care they needed. Tragically some people even died in lonely hospital rooms, isolated from their families. It is incredibly difficult to suffer in the advanced stages of the coronavirus for two weeks, but what if you were sick for 12 years? What if you were in constant pain, considered an outcast separated from your family year after year? Mark’s Gospel records the story of a woman who suffered for 12 long years. Book Mark Finley "Hope for Troubled Time" #HopeForTroubledTime
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