But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name. John 1:12.
Christ, the Majesty of heaven, came to this earth in human flesh, expressing divine benevolence, sympathy, and love for the fallen race as He stood at the head of the human family. He came to redeem sinners and clothe them with His righteousness. As the Saviour of the world, He was subject to temptations. The enemy assailed Him on every point. Constantly he came to Him with the suggestion that by compromising with the world, He might win the world. Christ is our example…. [Although] He was in the world, He was not of the world. He was not to conform to worldly practices in order to reach the object of His life. He was not to please Himself. The highest standard must be maintained. Deviation from strict moral rectitude would mar His whole lifework.
In order to save humanity, Christ came down to the level of humanity, as far as worldly advantages were concerned. He came to this earth to be tempted in all points like as human beings are tempted. In the wilderness Satan came to Him and assailed Him on the great points on which he assails man, but the Saviour did not yield to the enemy. Not in a single particular was He overcome. And the temptations were just as real to Him as they are to us today.
Constantly the Pharisees tried to lead Christ away from the principles of God’s government. Making a great profession of piety, they sought to lead Him to swerve from His allegiance. Satan has persuaded many men to deviate from principle by telling them that the end will justify the means. Reasoning from a human standpoint, they excuse themselves for wrongdoing by saying that the cause of God would be the gainer in their unfaithful dealing. This deviation from the holy principles of heaven has placed them in the ranks of the great deceiver….
Christ came to this earth in human form to inaugurate a spiritual reform. He came to show man how to discard all ostentation and show; how to live upon the pure, vital principles of reform. He came to institute a plan whereby human character might be made pure. By His grace He desires to place men and women close beside the throne of God.
The laws of Christ’s kingdom are so simple, so compact, and yet so complete, that any man-made additions will create confusion. And the more simple our plans or work in God’s service, the more we shall accomplish. By studying how they can adopt the plans of worldly policy in their work for God, men disarrange God’s plans of humility and simplicity, which He desires shall be followed in advancing His kingdom.—Manuscript 53, June 30, 1901, untitled manuscript.
The Upward Look p. 195
Prayer Requests
—-Things were better for R yesterday at work. Please continue to pray that all will be well today as well. L
—-urgently needing prayer again. Connie
Dear Friends,
Some years ago when he was still in college, Ronnie Jay’s favorite goldfish jumped out of the tank. Ronnie Jay had added some new fish a few days before and we were wondering if this had anything to do with his goldfish’s new behaviour. Ronnie had not noticed the fish until he was carrying some groceries into his apartment and accidentally stepped on him. Immediately he scooped up the fish and tossed it into the tank. Then he isolated the fish in another tank.
How very sad and upset my son was! He and I prayed for that fish and so did some of you. Praise God! That fish lived and is doing well. The scales on a third of its body that it had lost have grown back. The fish did not act right, though. He lost his trust. He seemed so unhappy. Finally, Ronnie Jay decided to add a couple of smaller goldfish to keep him company. Suddenly, he perked up. The poor fish had been lonely!
We all feel lonely sometimes. We all feel like a fish out of water sometimes. Our life is lacking something. God has put that loneliness within us to draw us to Himself. Praise God! We don’t have to stay lonely. We don’t have to stay feeling like we are suffocating in a world of sin. Our Dear Saviour loves us so much that He came to this sinful, old world to rescue us. He will be by our side whenever we call Him. Indeed, He is knocking at our heart’s door longing to come in. (Rev 3:20) Even when everyone else leaves us feeling very empty and alone, God is there yearning to fill us with His love and comfort that only He can give. He promises,” I will never leave you or forsake you.” (Heb. 13:5) He desires to always be right there going through our life with us during both the good and bad times, leading us, comforting us, helping us in all.
Does God’s everlasting love ever fade away? Is it conditional? NO!! This is a kind of love that we can hardly imagine because it is so different from God’s love. Human love fades away. God’s love never ends. Many times human love leaves us feeling more lonely because of all the conditions attached. God’s love fills us with joy! Accepting God’s love, doesn’t mean that you will never have bad things happen in life, but you will always have Someone to help you through the problems that come up in everyday life.
May we keep our hand in Jesus’ Nail-scarred Hand and allow Him to lead us all the way to His Heavenly kingdom is my prayer.
Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/rosesdevotional/~3/9-hQTnw7Mro/gods-plans-are-simple.html