In this video, Pastor Ted Wilson reminds us of a special Sabbath for Hope Channel and why telling the world about God and his plan is so important.
In the book of Hebrews, chapter 13, we read a beautiful description of how Jesus, our Savior, suffered and died for us–a sinless sacrifice that we might live. And then, in verses 15 and 16, we read, "Therefore by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name. But do not forget to do good and to share, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased."
These verses remind us of the importance of communication–praising God, giving thanks to Him, and telling the world of His wonderful plan to give us a more abundant life here on earth, and eternal life when He comes again. And as a movement, Adventists have found ways of communicating this message even before we were officially organized as a church. Starting in 1849 with just "a little paper" called The Present Truth, the Biblical message of truth and hope was spread to eager readers. The publication grew and as it spread more widely and after ten issues became The Adventist Review and is still published today as a monthly magazine.
As technology advanced, new ways of mass communication made it possible to reach more people. In the fall of 1929 in Canada, Pastor Harold Nathan Williams from Battle Creek Michigan founded Voice of Adventist Radio. It originally began as The Bible Study League, broadcasting weather reports to mariners, sermons and music. The radio broadcast, Voice of Prophecy, was also founded in 1929, in California, by H.M.S. Richards, Sr. Faith for Today, Adventism's first television program, was launched by William and Virginia Fagal in May 1950, and by December of that year had spread quickly to become the first national religious telecast in North America. In 1956, It Is Written, founded by George Vandeman, became the first religious program to air in color, and was the first to take advantage of satellite technology. And, of course, since that time, many more wonderful Adventist media ministries have risen up, proclaiming truth for this time.
Hope Channel International, the church's official television network, began operations in 2003. The network currently has 59 Hope Channels worldwide. Broadcasting on multiple platforms, Hope Channel programming can be viewed on every inhabited continent on earth.
This coming Sabbath, April 10, is a special day for Hope Channel, as we remember the importance of communication, and offer our support to this important ministry of God's Church. Let’s work together to reach as many people as possible with God's wonderful message of hope! Source: