“Behold, I stand at the door and knock.”
Photo by Chris Gallagher
Who’s there?
What can I do for you?
It’s what I can do for you. Will you open the door?
Uh, can you first tell me why you’re here?
Your revival
Oh, sorry but I already had revival.
Really? How and when?
Recently at our church. We have scheduled revivals at least once a year.
Was the church revived?
Sure it was. We had terrific music for an entire week, and we brought in a special speaker who really excited the church. We were truly revived.
What changed as a result of that revival?
Well, things got a little better down at the church. A couple of people who had stopped coming to church are now attending more often. Oh, and we all came down for the appeal to pledge to do better as Christians.
Do better? How so?
In a couple of ways. Including being more faithful in our attendance at the scheduled church services. We definitely will do better in our tithes and offerings. And, we are committed to witness about our faith more.
How are you going to witness more?
Simple, we ordered some beautiful tracts, and we all took a small stack to give out as often as we can.
Anything else?
Well, we’ll try harder to invite our friends and neighbors out to church.
Why do you want them to come to your church?
Duh, so they can hear the truth. They need to hear the truth.
What is the truth?
Now you’re just playing with me. Truth is the doctrines of our church. You know, the Sabbath, the state of the dead, 2300 days and so forth.
What about love?
Love? We are a very nice church, and we treat everyone warmly. Is that what you are asking?
No, I’m asking about the love that loves your neighbor as yourself. The love that would compel you to seek out the needs of others and be intentional in meeting those needs, regardless if they ever come to your church or not.
I’m talking about a love that causes you to put God first and foremost in your life so much so that your best energies, talents, and resources are devoted to Him and the causes of God instead of towards your survival and quests for success.
I’m talking about a love that caused the widow to give her two last mites; a love that caused a woman to wipe my feet with her hair as her tears of love and appreciation flowed down like water.
I’m talking about a treasure of love so valuable that you would sell all that you have to purchase it. I’m talking about a love that gives much because one has been forgiven much.
Lord Jesus, how do I get such love?
Very simple; open the door and let Me in.
Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/SabbathSchoolNet/~3/harhtjBJS9s/