Something amazing happened this past May all across Europe, when churches united in the largest evangelism event ever attempted on that continent. A total of 38 countries participated, comprising three divisions, 30 unions and 1,530 preaching sites. What began with hesitation and doubts by many who thought evangelism in Europe wouldn’t work, ended with enthusiasm and plans to do something similar again! From Italy to Belgium, Poland, Germany and Ukraine, to Romania, Spain, Switzerland and the Czech Republic—just to name a few—churches in the most unexpected countries and locations united to proclaim the Three Angels’ Messages and call people to join God’s last-day church. Ellen White wrote many years ago: “There is a great work to be done in Europe. All heaven takes an interest not only in lands that are nigh and that need our help, but in lands that are afar off . . . Angels of God are moving upon the minds of people, and preparing them to receive the warning.” (Evangelism, p. 408) What a time to be alive! We must take God at His word and move forward in faith, believing He is working in the hearts of people not only in the remote jungles of the world, but in the concrete and steel jungles of today’s modern cities. Here is a short video shot on location, where Cami and I share a few thoughts on what we lived during those days in Europe, visiting and preaching at the different sites and sharing the good news that Jesus is coming soon. Yours in the Blessed Hope, Duane McKey
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