For years we have prayed and waited for that long-promised spiritual grace called the latter rain. It will be given to prepare us for the Second Coming of Jesus, and to allow us to proclaim with power to the world that Jesus is coming again soon! That’s why I love to see the early signs of this event—those precious first drops of rain—begin to fall around the world. They’re a promise of what is to come as we near the end of earth’s history. We saw this in Papua New Guinea last month as hundreds of thousands responded to God’s last-day message presented throughout the country at more than 2,000 preaching sites. We’ve shared some of the miracles we witnessed of what God is doing there, and we continue to see God at work not only in PNG, but all around the world. Here is a short video where I speak with Pastor Alex Bryant, president of the North American Division. He was one of the speakers in PNG for Christ 2024, and he shares his experience and what he saw God do during his evangelistic series. We all walked away from that mountaintop experience with a sense of God’s presence, knowing that very soon, the world will be lighted with the glory of God’s truth and Jesus will return. What a day that will be! Yours in the Blessed Hope, Duane McKey
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