How can we live and learn through times of #distress like the one we're in now? In the #Bible, #God would send difficulties to bring people back to him. Hardships are meant to bring us back to the #Lord. During this #COVID-19 #pandemic, there have been memes all over the internet like “whoever God has asked to go to Nineveh—please just go.” While we don’t believe God caused COVID-19 – are there things we can learn as we are dealing with this #crisis. Can we use this time to go back to the Lord— individually and corporately. Should we be doing something that calls attention to back to Him? Find out in this week's #ANN In-Depth episode. GUESTS This week we are joined by Dr. Dee Knight and Catalina Arevalo. Dr. Knight is a doctor of clinical neuropsychology. She has been running her own psychotherapy and consultation practice for over nine years. Catalina is the host of Connected Adventist Podcast. In her podcast, Catalina addresses various topics on life lessons. Learn more about our guests: Dr. Dee Knight
Instagram: drdeeknight
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