More and more, people have decided to forgo marriage in favor of cohabitation. The “celebrities” in our culture treat marriage with disregard—going in and out of them like the commitment doesn’t matter. Why is marriage so important? Why do we put such a high importance on marriage today? Joining us for this week’s episode of ANN In-Depth are Willie and Elaine Oliver. The Olivers are the Directors of the Department of Family Ministries for the General Conference. Willie and Elaine have been married for 36 years and are the parents of two adult children. Elaine Oliver is a licensed clinical mental health counselor and a Certified Family Life Educator (CFLE) by the National Council on Family Relations. She holds Master's degrees in Clinical Mental Health Counseling, Counseling Psychology, and Higher and Adult Education; and a BS in business administration and accounting. An ordained minister, Willie Oliver is a Certified Family Life Educator (CFLE) by the National Council on Family Relations. He holds a Ph.D. in Sociology with concentrations in Gender and Family and Social Stratification; an M.A. in Pastoral Counseling; an M.A. in Sociology; and a BA in Theology. Learn more about the Family Ministries Department Website:
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