Lesson 1. The War Behind All Wars
The Cosmic Conflict: Origin, Impact, and Hope of Redemption
In our fast-paced and often challenging world today, it’s easy to get lost in daily worries and distractions. However, behind the visible wars, conflicts, and challenges of life lies an even greater, deeper spiritual battlefield – the eternal struggle between Good and Evil, known as the great cosmic conflict.
The first lesson of our series delves into this fascinating and central theme, which not only forms the foundation of our faith but also shapes our understanding of our own existence, purpose, and relationship with God. It is the struggle that has raged since the dawn of time in the heavens and whose effects manifest in every aspect of our world, from the personal struggles we face to the global conflicts that dominate the news.
In this lesson, we will explore the origins of this eternal conflict, analyze its impact on our world and our lives, and highlight the role and significance of Jesus Christ in this battle. We will discover how this understanding can give us hope, strength, and a deeper connection to God in our daily lives.
Prepare yourself to dive deeper into the mysteries and truths of the great cosmic conflict and recognize how these insights can shape our understanding of God, our faith, and our mission in this world.
1.1 War in Heaven
The Cosmic Conflict: Origin of Evil and Freedom in Heaven
Read Revelation 12:7-9. What does this passage reveal about the freedom that exists in heaven and the origin of evil? How could God have reacted when Lucifer rebelled?
The section Revelation 12:7-9 reveals a profound image of the cosmic battle between good and evil that occurred in heaven. It seems paradoxical that such a conflict could take place in a realm of perfect purity and harmony like heaven. This raises questions about the nature of freedom and the existence of evil.
God, as the omniscient and omnipotent Creator, certainly had the power to immediately destroy Lucifer or prevent him from rebelling. However, in His infinite wisdom and love, God granted freedom to His creatures, including the angels. This freedom allows beings to choose genuine love, loyalty, and devotion to God, but it also carries the risk of rebellion and evil.
Lucifer, once a radiant angel, became Satan due to his pride and desire to exalt himself above God. His rebellion was not the result of a demonic being created by God but a choice stemming from his own free will.
Revelation shows us that evil was not created by God but is the result of the free choice of His creatures. God could have certainly acted harshly against Lucifer, but He chose to respect his freedom and confront him with the consequences of his choice.
Overall, this section reveals not only the origin of evil but also the magnitude of God’s love and wisdom. It reminds us that true love requires freedom and that God will ultimately triumph despite the existence of evil.
Compare Ezekiel 28:12-15 and Isaiah 14:12-14. What was going on in the mind of this angel named Lucifer that led to his rebellion?
The two sections from Ezekiel 28:12-15 and Isaiah 14:12-14 offer deep insights into the mindset of Lucifer before his rebellion and transformation into Satan. These passages describe Lucifer as an angel of unparalleled beauty and wisdom but corrupted by his own pride and ambition.
In Ezekiel, Lucifer is described as the “seal of perfection,” full of wisdom and flawless beauty. Isaiah depicts his fall with the words: “How you have fallen from heaven, O morning star, son of the dawn! How you are cut down to the ground, you who laid the nations low!” These verses reveal Lucifer’s desire to exalt himself above God and be worshipped.
It seems that in Lucifer’s heart, the desire arose to be equal to or even above God. His pride and jealousy led him to challenge divine order and authority. He wanted to ascend God’s throne and claim the worship that belongs only to the Creator.
God’s creation, including the angels, was endowed with the freedom of will, a fundamental attribute that makes love and devotion authentic. Yet, this freedom also carries the risk of rebellion and disobedience. Despite the warnings and counsel of the heavenly council and the Son of God, Lucifer remained steadfast in his resistance.
God, in His infinite love and justice, could not allow Lucifer to corrupt heaven through his rebellion. Although He had long patience with him, He ultimately had to act to preserve the divine order and purity of heaven.
Overall, these Bible passages reveal the tragic transformation of a once radiant angel due to his own pride and rebellion. They remind us of the power and dangers of pride and jealousy and underscore the necessity of humility, obedience, and devotion to God.
What can you learn about God’s character through His dealings with evil?
Through God’s dealings with evil, we can recognize several important aspects of His character:
Love and Mercy: Despite the rebellion of Lucifer and other fallen angels, God displays boundless love and mercy. He has been patient, warning multiple times and attempting to lead them to repentance before taking action.
Justice and Holiness: God is perfectly just and holy. He cannot ignore or tolerate evil as it contradicts His nature and essence. His justice demands that sin and rebellion have consequences.
Wisdom and Sovereignty: God’s actions reveal His unparalleled wisdom and sovereignty. He knows how to deal with evil to ultimately achieve His divine purpose without compromising His love and mercy.
Patience and Long-suffering: God’s patience and long-suffering are astonishing. He gives creatures, including fallen angels and humans, ample time and opportunity for repentance and atonement before taking final measures.
Power and Authority: Despite the existence of evil, God remains omnipotent and sovereign over all. Evil cannot thwart His plans and intentions. He has the power and authority to overcome evil and ultimately triumph.
Faithfulness and Constancy: God’s character is marked by His unwavering faithfulness and constancy. He remains true to His promises, His word, and His creation, even when these promises are challenged by rebellion and sin.
In summary, through God’s dealings with evil, we can recognize Him as a God of love, mercy, justice, wisdom, sovereignty, patience, power, authority, faithfulness, and constancy. These attributes shape His essence and guide His actions concerning evil and the entire creation. They also invite us to reflect these qualities in our own lives and strive to emulate them.
The above reflections on God’s character and His dealings with evil have direct applications and connections to our daily lives and faith. Here are some ways these biblical insights can influence our everyday life:
Freedom and Responsibility: Just as God has given His creatures freedom, He also grants us humans freedom. This freedom allows us to make choices but also comes with consequences. We are called to use this freedom responsibly and bear the consequences of our decisions.
Humility and Obedience: The story of Lucifer reminds us of the dangers of pride and rebellion. We should practice humility and obedience towards God rather than elevating ourselves excessively or rebelling against God’s commandments.
God’s Love and Mercy: In our daily lives, we should reflect God’s love and mercy by being loving and merciful towards others, even when they make mistakes or wrong us.
Justice and Holiness: We should strive to live justly and holily by doing what is right and avoiding evil. Justice and holiness are fundamental principles important to God and should also be central in our lives.
Wisdom and Sovereignty: We can acknowledge God’s wisdom and sovereignty in our lives by entrusting ourselves to Him, trusting Him, and seeking His guidance in our lives.
Patience and Long-suffering: We should show patience and long-suffering in our interactions with others, as God does with us. This means forgiving others’ mistakes, giving them a second chance, and patiently waiting for changes.
Power and Authority: We should recognize that God has ultimate power and authority over our lives and the world. This should give us peace and confidence even in challenging times.
Faithfulness and Constancy: Our relationship with God and others should be characterized by faithfulness and constancy. We should keep our promises, remain loyal to our loved ones, and support each other in good and bad times.
In conclusion, insights into God’s character and His dealings with evil can guide, inspire, and encourage us to lead a life that honors God, serves others, and makes us better individuals. They remind us that our faith should not only be theoretical but should also have practical implications for our daily lives.
Source: https://fulfilleddesire.net/lesson-1-the-war-behind-all-wars-1-1-war-in-heaven/