11.1 Christ the Victor
Christ, the Triumphant King
The portrayal of Jesus Christ as the true conqueror over the powers of evil is a central biblical truth that provides hope and comfort. Although the devil is described as a tempter, slanderer, and illegitimate ruler of this world, Scripture makes it unmistakably clear that Christ has already achieved the decisive victory.
Especially in times of trouble, it can be challenging to recognize or experience this victory. Yet, the biblical accounts encourage us to trust in God’s sovereign power. The enemy may still be active, but he is already defeated—and we are allowed to share in this victory through Christ (1 Cor 15:57).
This calls us to place our trust not in our own abilities or circumstances but in Jesus Christ, who fought and won for us. Faith in His triumph gives us strength to resist and remain faithful, even when evil seems to prevail around us.
Read John 18:37. What does this tell us about how Christ works to counter the deceptions of the enemy? What does it mean that Jesus is King?
In John 18:37, Jesus says: “For this reason I was born, and for this I came into the world—to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to my voice.” This statement makes it clear that Jesus directly opposes the deceptions and lies of the devil through the proclamation of truth. Satan, who is described in the Bible as the “father of lies” (John 8:44), seeks to separate people from God through deception. Yet, Christ reveals the true nature of God and demonstrates that love, justice, and truth are perfectly fulfilled in Him.
What does it mean that Jesus is King?
His Kingship is founded on truth – Unlike earthly rulers who often govern through power, violence, or cunning, Jesus is a King whose kingdom is based on truth and justice. He leads His people not through coercion but through the power of truth, which transforms hearts and minds.
He has already defeated the enemy – Although Satan is described as the “illegitimate ruler” of this world (John 12:31; 16:11), his influence is temporary. Jesus’ death and resurrection sealed his final downfall. The enemy may still operate, but he is already overcome (Col 2:15).
His Kingdom is eternal – While the rule of Satan and all earthly powers is temporary, the kingdom of Christ will last “forever and ever” (Rev 11:15). As King, Jesus not only brings justice but also hope to those who believe in Him.
What does this mean for us?
We are called to live daily in the truth of Christ and not be influenced by the lies of the enemy.
Our trust should rest in Jesus, for His victory is our victory (1 Cor 15:57).
Even when we face trials, we can know: Our King reigns, and His kingdom will last forever!
We know which side wins in the great battle. How do our daily decisions affect which side we ultimately stand on? How can we ensure that we are already on the winning side?
Our Daily Decisions and the Great Battle
Our daily decisions have a direct impact on which side we stand in the great battle. Even though we know that Christ has already triumphed, it is up to us to personally accept that victory or allow ourselves to be influenced by the enemy’s deceptions.
How do our decisions make an impact?
Every decision shapes our character
Our daily habits, thoughts, and actions determine whether we draw closer to or further from God.
Jesus said, “Whoever is not with me is against me” (Matt 12:30). There is no neutrality—every decision counts.
Faithfulness in small things leads to faithfulness in big things
“Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much” (Luke 16:10).
Our seemingly small decisions—how we treat others, what we focus our thoughts on, how we live our lives—prepare us to stand on God’s side in critical moments.
Spiritual vigilance is essential
The enemy works through deception. If we do not consciously live in the truth of Christ, we are susceptible to errors and compromises that can slowly pull us to the wrong side (1 Peter 5:8).
How Can We Ensure That We Are Already on the Winning Side?
Daily Connection with Christ
Through prayer, Bible study, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we can recognize and live in the truth (John 8:31-32).
Jesus Himself is “the way, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6)—a close relationship with Him keeps us on the right path.
Faith in the Victory of Christ Over Satan
Instead of being overwhelmed by fear or doubt, we can trust in God’s promises (Rom 8:37).
We do not fight alone—Jesus has already defeated the enemy! (Col 2:15).
A Life of Obedience and Dedication
It is not merely words but our lifestyle that shows which side we stand on (James 1:22).
Our decisions should align with God’s will so that His kingdom becomes visible in our lives even now.
Every day, we have the opportunity to demonstrate our loyalty—whether through our words, our behavior, or our priorities. When we consciously live with Christ, take His word to heart, and cherish His truth, we are already on the winning side. In the end, the great battle will not be decided by mere intention but by our lived faithfulness to Jesus.
The victory of Christ over evil is not just a theological truth but has direct implications for our everyday lives. Our faith is not merely a theory or a promise for the future—it influences how we live, think, and act today.
1.How does the victory of Christ affect our daily life?
Hope and comfort in difficulties
Amid challenges, we can trust that Jesus has already triumphed. Even if evil is still present, it holds no final power over us (John 16:33). We may live with courage and confidence because our Lord is the true King.
The battle against the enemy’s deceptions
The devil tries to lead us away from God through lies—whether through fear, doubt, or temptation. Jesus confronts these deceptions with the truth (John 8:32). In daily life, this means aligning our thoughts and actions with God’s word to avoid being misled.
Our daily decision-making
Every decision we make shows whether we stand on the side of Christ or succumb to Satan’s deceptions. Whether it concerns honesty, how we treat others, time management, or our priorities—we must always ask ourselves, “Does my decision reflect my faith?”
2.How Can We Ensure That Our Faith Shapes Our Everyday Life?
Seek a daily connection with Christ
Set aside time for prayer and Bible study (John 15:5).
Ask the Holy Spirit for guidance before making important decisions.
Integrate the truth of God into our lives
Deliberately read and apply God’s word (James 1:22).
Expose lies and false beliefs that aim to separate us from God.
Practice faithfulness in the small things
Practice honesty, love for one’s neighbor, and patience in daily life.
Faithfulness in small matters prepares us for greater challenges (Luke 16:10).
Live a life of dedication
Acknowledge Jesus as King in our lives by obeying Him.
Use our time, talents, and resources for God’s kingdom.