4.4 The Morning Star of the Reformation
The Beacon of the Reformation: Passion for God’s Word
Read Psalm 19:8–12; 119:140,162 and Jeremiah 15:16. What similar attitudes did David and Jeremiah have towards the Word of God that essentially laid the foundation for the Reformation?
The mentioned Bible verses and the text section offer deep insights into David’s and Jeremiah’s attitudes towards God’s Word and how these attitudes laid the foundation for the Reformation.
Similar attitudes of David and Jeremiah:
1 Joy in God’s Law:
◦ Psalm 19:8–12: David speaks of the joy and clarity that God’s law brings. He sees it as a source of wisdom and enlightenment.
◦ Psalm 119:140,162: David emphasizes his love for God’s Word and how it brings him joy and comfort in his sufferings.
◦ Jeremiah 15:16: Jeremiah describes how he longs for God’s words, considering them his joy and delight.
2 Transformation through the Word:
◦ David and Jeremiah not only had an intellectual relationship with God’s Word. They were also spiritually and morally transformed through studying and meditating on the Word.
Foundation for the Reformation:
David’s and Jeremiah’s attitudes towards God’s Word reflect the foundational truths that inspired the Reformers like Martin Luther, John Calvin, and others:
1 Central Role of Scripture: The Reformers emphasized the central role of the Bible in Christian doctrine and practice. They viewed the Holy Scripture as the sole authority for faith and practice, not tradition or the church’s teaching authority.
2 Personal Relationship with God: Like David and Jeremiah, the Reformers recognized the importance of a personal relationship with God, deepened through studying and meditating on God’s Word.
3 Transformation and Renewal: The Reformers believed in the transformative power of God’s Word. They saw Bible study not just as an intellectual exercise but as a source of spiritual and moral renewal.
Read 2 Timothy 2:1–3. What advice did the Apostle Paul give to Timothy regarding the transmission of God’s Word?
In 2 Timothy 2:1–3, the Apostle Paul gives Timothy the advice:
“Now you, my child, be strengthened by the grace that is in Christ Jesus. And what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also.”
Significance of the advice for the transmission of God’s Word:
1 Strength in Grace: Paul encourages Timothy to be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. This means that Timothy should rely on the power and grace of Christ to remain steadfast in faith and teaching.
2 Transmission of Learning: Timothy should not only keep what he has heard and learned from Paul to himself but also pass it on to other faithful people. This emphasizes the importance of teaching and transmitting God’s Word within the Christian community.
Application to the Reformers and specifically to John Wycliffe:
John Wycliffe was transformed by the power of God’s Word and motivated by his love for Christ to share this knowledge with others. Although he was aware of the dangers associated with translating the Bible into English, he was determined to make the message of the Holy Scripture accessible. His commitment and devotion to God’s Word reflect the advice that Paul gave to Timothy: He should entrust what he has learned to faithful people who are also capable of teaching others.
The story of Wycliffe and his efforts to translate the Bible into English, despite the risks associated with this task, shows his unwavering faith, dedication, and obedience to the command to pass on God’s Word. His influence on the Reformation and his contribution to spreading the Gospel in the English language are lasting testimonies to his faithfulness to Christ and his passion for God’s Word.
The connection between faith and our everyday life can be established from the points mentioned above as follows:
1 Joy in God’s Word: Like David and Jeremiah did, we should also find joy in God’s Word. By regularly reading and meditating on the Bible, we can find wisdom, enlightenment, and comfort, especially in challenging times of our lives.
2 Transformation through the Word: It is not enough to just know about God’s Word; we should also strive to be spiritually and morally transformed through Scripture. This means that we should allow ourselves to be shaped and guided by the Bible to lead a life more like Christ’s.
3 Transmission of Learning: Like Paul encouraged Timothy, we should also share what we learn from the Bible with others. This can be done through personal conversations, Bible studies, sermons, or social media. Transmitting God’s Word is crucial to help others grow in their faith and develop a deeper relationship with God.
4 Strength in Grace: Our daily strength and steadfastness in faith come through the grace of Christ. By relying on His power rather than our own abilities, we can face life’s challenges with confidence and hope.
5 Personal Relationship with God: Our relationship with God should be at the center of our everyday life. Through prayer, meditation, and studying the Word, we can deepen our relationship with God and learn to recognize and follow His will in our lives.
6 Transformation and Renewal: By opening ourselves to God’s Word and integrating it into our lives, we can experience spiritual and moral renewal. This leads to a life characterized by love, peace, patience, kindness, and other fruits of the Spirit.
In summary, faith in and passion for God’s Word are not just theoretical concepts for theologians or scholars but life-changing principles that should permeate every aspect of our daily lives. By integrating God’s Word into our daily lives and living according to it, we can develop a deeper relationship with God and provide others with a living testimony of God’s love and truth.

The joy and passion for God’s Word ignite the beacon of renewal and transformation.
Source: https://fulfilleddesire.net/lesson-4-standing-for-the-truth-4-4-the-morning-star-of-the-reformation/