7.5 Forget Not All His Benefits
Read Psalm 103. How is God’s goodness portrayed here?
In Psalm 103, God’s goodness is depicted in various ways. Firstly, blessings bestowed upon His people are enumerated, such as healing, redemption, mercy, and grace (Psalm 103:2-5). These blessings are considered expressions of God’s loving kindness, which He bestows upon His people to enable them to live flourishing lives (Psalm 103:2-6).
Furthermore, it is emphasized that God’s goodness is based on His gracious nature and His faithfulness to His covenant with Israel (Psalm 103:7-18). God remembers the weakness and transience of humankind and has compassion on His people (Psalm 103:13-17). This goodness of God is depicted as immeasurably great and can only be compared to the vast expanses of the heavens (Psalm 103:11-16).
How should people respond to God’s loving kindness? Firstly, they should bless the Lord and praise Him for His kind attributes (Psalm 103:1-2). Blessing is understood here as an act of gratitude and praise to God for the blessings He bestows upon His people. Additionally, they should remember all His benefits and His covenant, responding to God with love and obedience (Psalm 103:2, 18-22). Remembering God’s faithfulness and goodness is an essential part of the relationship between God and His people, strengthening trust and love for Him.
In light of this portrayal of God’s goodness, it is important to regularly remember the cross and the sacrifice of Jesus for us. Reflecting on the great sacrifice Jesus made for us strengthens our trust in Him, deepens our love, and fills us more with His Spirit. It reminds us that we must learn repentance and humility at the foot of the cross to be saved and to live in a loving relationship with God.