Lesson 9.Blessed Is He Who Comes in the Name of the Lord
In Lesson 9, we delve into the fascinating role that Jesus Christ plays as King and Priest according to the order of Melchizedek. This lesson provides a deep insight into the unique and unparalleled authority that Christ holds as both ruler and mediator between God and humanity.
We will engage with various biblical texts, including Psalms and New Testament letters, to gain a comprehensive understanding of Christ’s royal priesthood. From his exaltation at the right hand of God to his eternal intercession for believers, we will explore the multifaceted aspects of his role as King and Priest.
This lesson is not only a theological examination but also offers practical applications for our daily lives and faith. We will reflect on how the truth about Christ’s kingship and priesthood gives us hope, comfort, trust, and motivation to live as his disciples and proclaim his kingdom on earth.
Join us on this journey as we discover the glory and significance of Christ as our eternal King and Priest.
9.1 Divine, Self-Sacrificing Shepherd
Read Psalm 23; 28:9; 80:2; 78:52–53; 79:13; and 100:3. How is the relationship between God and His people depicted in these verses?
The portrayal of God as a shepherd who sacrifices himself is a powerful metaphor for divine love and devotion. In Psalm 23, one of the most well-known Psalms, God is described as a shepherd who leads his sheep and provides them rest in green pastures. These images convey the picture of a caring, protective God who looks after the welfare of his people.
In the other cited verses, this relationship between God and His people is further deepened. In Psalm 28:9, God is referred to as the shepherd of his people who carries them and blesses them. Psalm 80:2 depicts God as the shepherd of Israel who leads them like a shepherd leads Joseph. These descriptions emphasize God’s active role in guiding and providing for his people.
However, the verses from Psalm 78 and 79 also show the human imperfection and ingratitude of the people towards God. Despite His faithfulness and care, the people rebel against Him and turn to other gods. Yet, God remains a faithful shepherd who does not abandon His people.
Finally, Psalm 100:3 underscores God’s unconditional love for His people, portraying them as His flock and Himself as their Creator. These verses illustrate the deep connection between God and His people, based on mutual love, care, and devotion.
Overall, these verses from the Psalms depict the multifaceted relationship between God and His people, characterized by God’s faithfulness, care, and devotion, as well as human imperfection and the need for repentance.
Read John 10:11–15. What does Jesus say about Himself as the Good Shepherd?
Jesus’ words in the Gospel of John, chapter 10, verses 11–15, reveal His self-identification as the Good Shepherd. This portrayal goes beyond a simple metaphor and demonstrates Jesus’ profound care and dedication to His followers.
Jesus identifies Himself as the Good Shepherd who lays down His life for the sheep. This statement is of great significance as it emphasizes not only His willingness to sacrifice but also His love and connection to His followers. The Good Shepherd is willing to lay down His life to protect the sheep from danger and give them abundant life.
Furthermore, Jesus speaks about the close relationship between Himself and His followers. He says that He knows His sheep and they know Him. This mutual recognition underscores the personal connection and familiarity between Jesus and His followers. Just as sheep recognize the voice of their shepherd, so do Jesus’ disciples recognize His voice and follow Him.
Moreover, Jesus shows His concern for the lost or stray sheep. He explains that He not only cares for the sheep already in His fold but also strives to call other sheep to Himself and form one flock. This statement illustrates Jesus’ universal mission, aiming to unite people from all nations and cultures in His love.
In conclusion, Jesus presents Himself in these verses as the Good Shepherd who lays down His life for His sheep, maintains an intimate relationship with them, ensures their safety and well-being, and seeks to unite all people in His love.
The connection between the image of the divine, self-sacrificing Shepherd and our everyday life in faith is of fundamental importance and permeates all aspects of our lives. Here are some points that highlight this connection:
Trust and Security: Like sheep relying on their shepherd, we can rely on God to guide and protect us in our daily lives. This assurance gives us confidence and security, even in uncertain times.
Care and Love: Just as the shepherd lovingly cares for his sheep and looks after their well-being, we experience God’s caring love in our lives. This love encourages us to be loving and compassionate towards others.
Guidance and Direction: Like a shepherd leading his sheep to green pastures, God guides us through His Word and Spirit on the right path. We can rely on His guidance to make good decisions and fulfill His will in our lives.
Community and Unity: The idea of God as the one Shepherd who unites all His sheep reminds us of the importance of community and unity in faith. We are called to support, encourage, and serve one another in love to promote unity in the body of Christ.
Hope and Comfort: In the Psalms and in the words of Jesus, we see the promise that God never leaves us or forsakes us, even when we stray from Him. This hope and comfort accompany us in all situations, giving us the strength to remain steadfast even in the midst of difficulties.
Ultimately, the notion of God as the divine, self-sacrificing Shepherd is not just a metaphorical representation but a living reality that permeates and shapes our daily lives in faith. By relying on this truth, we can strengthen our faith, feel secure in God, and experience His work in our lives.