“Look at the nations and watch—and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told.” (Habakkuk 1:5) Dear Friend, How can I possibly describe what we witnessed this past month in Papua New Guinea? God’s Spirit was at work in ways that defy description! · More than 2,300 preaching sites throughout the country.
· AWR’s Mega Medical Clinic opened with 20,000 people waiting on the first day, and more than 23,000 services were provided!
· 70,000 attended General Conference President Ted Wilson’s opening meetings.
· 98,000 people were baptized across PNG on the first baptismal Sabbath!
· 16 Sunday churches were baptized along with their pastors.
· 300,000 baptisms to date, with 400,000 expected by year-end. The list goes on, but it’s true what the prophet Habakkuk said: You would be “utterly amazed” and “would not believe, even if you were told”. . . So I’ll do the next best thing and show it to you through the video below! Watch some of the moving highlights from this event and be blessed. I know we were. AWR invested more than $1 million, and it was all made possible thanks to your support! But it was worth every penny. Because what is the price of a soul? It’s the Son of God. And if you watch the news, you know that for many, those meetings represented the last opportunity they had to accept Jesus as their Savior. There is no greater joy than leading others to Jesus, and I love it when God uses Adventist World Radio to do it! Yours in the Blessed Hope, Duane McKey
President beyond-waes-hael-musicbed
MB01HF9NUKQ4XMK ANW3925_005_Limitless-Sky Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0FzX8tkGhk