For centuries, Madagascar has been steeped in a tradition of spirit worship and sorcery. But things are beginning to change in this island country off the coast of West Africa. In the last few years, God has been opening doors in amazing ways, and today, a total of 50 AWR radio stations pepper the country, reaching the most remote areas with the gospel message. Richard and Bodo live in one of these remote areas not easily accessible. Several years ago, they heard the Adventist message on the radio for the very first time and embraced it wholeheartedly. They were hungry for truth and accepted everything they heard, putting away their idols and abandoning all spirit worship. What followed was an adventure of faith. Together they built three churches, and when confronted with a devil possession that the local Christian pastor couldn’t deal with, their little church triumphed by faith. It’s such a joy to see God at work in so many unexpected ways, reaching every corner of our planet—and I love it when He uses Adventist World Radio to do it! Yours in the Blessed Hope, Duane McKey
Undertow – Blake Ewing
Yemwe – Instrumental – Judah Earl
Realize – Instrumental – Mr. Harrison and the Congregation
Audio Network
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